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2021 Self Employed & Small Business Tax Checklist

When preparing your tax information for us, please be sure to provide us with the following information:

  • Gross Revenue and 1099s

  • Sales and Excise Tax Returns

  • Payments to Vendors and Subcontractors may need to issue 1099s

  • Inventory levels (beginning and ending) and Inventory Purchases

  • Parts and Supplies

  • Documentation of large Asset Purchases (Homes, Buildings, Land, Machinery, Leases)

  • Payroll Tax Returns

  • Payroll Processing Fees

  • Employee Benefits

  • Rent Paid (Office, Equipment, etc.)

  • Telephone and Internet

  • Automobile

  • Home Office

  • Meals and Entertainment

  • Travel

  • Office Supplies

  • Postage and Shipping

  • Equipment Purchased and prior year depreciation schedule

  • Insurance – Liability, Auto, malpractice, Life, Disability, Owner Health, Employee Health

  • Utilities

  • Commissions and Fees

  • Repairs and Maintenance

  • Loan Interest

  • Taxes, Licenses, and Permits

  • Publications and Dues

  • Advertising

  • Legal and Professional Fees

  • Medical Expenses

  • Pension and Profit Sharing

  • Uniforms and Work Clothing

  • Laundry and Janitorial

  • Tools

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